Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back and triceps

Yesterday I managed my 90 minutes of cardio in along with hitting back and triceps.  Energy level felt good.  Cardio still feels hit or miss to me.  Not exactly sure why that is going on.  So, going to re-evaluate it.  Just don't want to feel like I am on the treadmill going nowhere.  When I drink my coffee, things really feel like I can go forever.  But don't want to rely on caffeine to get through workouts, esp with the fibromyalgia pains I get in my legs and lower back.  This perimenopause is something to manage.  I know for certain I can manage it as I wouldn't have been given the task of it.


One arm rows - 50 lbs 10, 60 lbs 10, 70 lbs 8, 80 lbs 6, 65 lbs 10
Hammer strength pull downs - 45 lb plate 12, 70 lbs 8, 90 lbs 6 (reverse grip)
High seated cable rows - 90 lbs 12 x 2, 105 lbs 12

Superset overhead extensions w/bench dips - 10/10 (40 lbs for extensions, then 50 lbs x 2)

Calves - 180 lb toe presses 5 sets 10 reps each leg

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