Friday, January 15, 2010

Re-thinking things

I sit and ponder my comp plans along with everything I am doing for 2010. Things are moving quickly and not quickly. My body has done several things this year:

1) I have added more muscle to shoulders (YEAH!)
2) Obliques are more developed thanks to lots of training
3) I have entered perimenopause - genetically pre-determined (wasn't expecting this one)

We lost my grandmother this past Thanksgiving and I took it really hard. So all during xmas, I didn't train, and the symptoms from perimeno was kicking my butt. January rolled around and my energy finally came back and I was able to get back on track with training. Felt good. Right now I am getting busier and busier by the week, so not sure how to juggle all that I am doing with keeping a tight focus on comp training. Going to re-eval some things this weekend and see if I can work my magic.

TTYL - QUADS today with the beast. Hope I survive.

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